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Los Colorados Provincial Reserve

La Rioja

The Los Colorados Provincial Reserve, to the south of an extensive valley and with almost 20 thousand hectares, preserves treasures. Touring its impressive geoforms and desert landscapes at the hands of local guides, and learning about its great archaeological value, is a dazzling experience.

Open to visitors all year round. The hottest season is between December and March. Charged entry.

What to see
History and archaeological finds

The area preserves an important archaeological site of rock art: more than 200 drawings were found that tell the testimony of what life was like in indigenous times. In addition, cemeteries, towns and areas with mortars that can be reached on foot were identified.

Touring the main circuit you can learn about the history of the town and see the "Cueva del Chacho", the place where the warlord Ángel Vicente Peñaloza took refuge during his travels through the region. This tour lasts 1 hour and must be done in the company of a guide that is hired at the service center that is at the entrance of the reserve.

Trekking and horse riding

There are different circuits that can be done on foot or on horseback, including the “Valle Los Bordos” (1 hour and a half), “Los Farallones” (2 hours) and the one that goes to the “Puente Natural” (2 to 3 hours). It is advisable to bring water, a hat, sunscreen, comfortable clothing and trekking shoes.

How to get there and move around

Los Colorados Provincial Reserve is on National Route 74. You can access by car or on a tour from La Rioja city (106 km along National Routes 38 and 74) or Chilecito (96 km along National Routes 40 and 74). Hiring a guide to tour around is mandatory.

Where to stay

The reserve has a camping area with bathrooms, grocery store and restaurant. La Rioja capital city and the town of Chilecito offer a good range of accommodation and cuisine options of different categories.

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