What to see
Urugua-í Provincial Park
This is the largest protected area in Misiones. From the Uruzú Park Ranger Station, on Provincial Route 19, several trails flow out into the forest, leading you to its heart.
There are good chances of seeing tapirs (the largest mammals in the forest) and black-fronted piping guans (an emblem of the region). A must for bird lovers.
You can visit this place for the day or go camping. It has a service area and toilet facilities.
The “peninsulas” of the Iguazú River
To the north of Andresito, in an area known as “the peninsulas” of the Iguazú River, there are several private reserves and lodges that offer accommodation in the middle of the jungle and activities such as kayaking on the Iguazú River, hiking, bike tours and bird and wildlife watching, whilst surrounded by a landscape that combines rainforest and settlers’ farms.
Urugua-í – Foerster Biological Corridor
To the south of Andresito, National Route 101 (asphalt-paved in this section) leads to the Urugua-í – Foerster Biological Corridor, an area where several private nature reserves (which offer accommodation and activities) converge at Urugua-í Provincial Park through an “aerial wildlife walkway”: a large rainforest bridge above the road that animals use to go from one side to the other without the risk of being run over.
The not-so-well-known side of Iguazú National Park
An alternative way to discover Iguazú National Park from Andresito is to head west along National Route 101 to the entrance to the park. At this point, the asphalt ends and a 40 km red-dirt scenic road leads to Puerto Iguazú and the Falls through the rainforest.