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Cuesta del Obispo (RP 33)


This is an immersive journey. Curve after curve, you go through velvety mountains, observing landscapes that change and rise more than 1,000 metres in just a few kilometres.

The route begins in the highest part of the Escoipe Gorge. It zigzags one, twenty, a thousand times amid cacti and condors. Almost at the end of the route, a detour invites you to discover the magic of Encantado Valley, in Los Cardones National Park. And in Piedra del Molino, the highest point at 3,348 metres, you will be surprised to see the entire route as a great, astounding mock-up. If there are clouds, the magic improves: the sky becomes a deep white sea.


Road Sheet 

  • Kilometres: 21 
  • Route name: Provincial Route 33 
  • Route type: 75% gravel 
  • When: all year round