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De las Olas (RP 11)

Buenos Aires

A route of cliffs and vast beaches that gains ground along the countryside and the sea. Full of hills and unevenness, mimicking Buenos Aires coast waistline. Where dunes and green, lush groves also lean out, between Mar del Plata and Miramar.

You can stop at the Barranca de los Lobos to watch marine fauna from a high viewpoint, or feel the calm and strength of this landscape as you go down to the beaches Acantilado, Cruz del Sur, Chapadmalal, La Escondida, and much more. Maybe you can just walk, listening to the music of waves in the background.


Road Sheet  

  • Kilometres:19  
  • Route Name:Provincial 11  
  • Road type: 100% asphalt  
  • When: all year round


Travel this scenic route as part of the circuit from La Plata to Miramar.