Golfo San Jorge (RN 3)
Santa Cruz
This is a unique scenic route. There is no other national route section that runs, for almost 50 km, by the Argentine sea so closely. It is a route in the province of Santa Cruz, which runs parallel to the San Jorge Gulf—one of the largest in the country. Its biodiversity is enormous: birds, sea lions, whales, penguins and other species live there
If you want to stop and look, along the way you will be able to stop at beaches like Acina, La Escondida or even the Los Patos lagoon, to immerse yourself in the sound and the coming and going of the blue sea.
Route sheet
- Distance: 48 kilometres
- Route: National Route 3
- Road type: 100% paved. Check the status of the route before travelling.
- When: all year round
Travel this scenic route as part of the circuit of Comodoro Rivadavia to Río Gallegos
Other scenic routes
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Quebrada de las Flechas (RN 40)
A las Nubes (RN 51)
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