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Túneles y Volcanes (RP 28)


Valleys, hills, native mounts. The land waves, twists, and rises, and the route is immersed in Sierras de Pocho, a landscape of ancient volcanoes surrounded by espinillos, chañar and caranday palms, the identity mark of this territory.

After bordering Pampa de Pocho, the Tunnels Path begins, a great engineering work dating back to the 1930s which aimed to create a more fluid connection between Córdoba and La Rioja. Along a narrow corniche parallel to the Quebrada de la Mermela gorge, you will be able to contemplate the immensity of the Chancaní Natural Reserve (which protects one of the most important remnants of the western Chaco forest, including Quebracho trees, molles and carob trees), and the extensive plains of La Rioja.

Among sharp curves, viewpoints you must stop at, and condors grazing the landscape, you will find five tunnels crossing the hills like a sigh of beauty.


Road Sheet  

  • Kilometres:40
  • Route Name:Provincial Route 28
  • Road type: 80% paved and 20% gravel
  • When: all year round